OUR VISION - Clothing that tells its story

AKYA is a Berlin based label focusing on sustainable fashion and female-empowernment.

It started 2017 while exploring my own roots & working abroad for almost 2 years in the field of desig, upcycling & social entrepreneurship.

We see fashion as a way to create change & celebrate the individual beyond every piece.

What are my clothes made of?

A “Sari” is a 4 to 5 meter long fabric, it’s the daily robe that women wear in India & other regions of asia.

Every Saree has a story and has been selected out of vintage pieces of private households - our partners therefore go from door to door, exchanging money or household goods for second hand-Saris.

After a careful selection those Saris will be re-arranged to get it’s second life as an AKYA pieces.


Our Manufactureurs

Fair ways of collaboration is common sense - The connections to our manufactureurs & suppliers are based on respect and natural curiosity - we grow together and learn from each other.

Throughout the years we have gained knowledge in the sourcing of sustainable fabrics, natural dyes & much more & have created a sustainable network of small local partners in India.

check out our collaboration partner: Saheliwomen

The Team

Our Team is a group of artistic young women with different backgrounds - Though we are seperated by the places we live at & cultures we have been born into, we are more connected by sharing the same drive towards personal expression - Johanna (founder), Soumita (intern) & Natasha (photos)


[1] If you are interested in what we have researched considering the garment Industry in India and how we base our wages and conditions please read the following study:
(2)No One wants your used clothes anymore - A once virtuous cycle is breaking down. What now? (15. Januar 2018, BLOOMBERG VIEW) https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-01-15/no-one-wants-your-used-clothes-anymore
(3) The true cost, documentation film about garment workers in Bangladesh (2015, https://truecostmovie.com/), buy & watch here: https://truecostmovie.com/watch/the-true-cost